Category: Schrijver

Bennie de baksteen

Kinderboek over een baksteen met torenhoge ambities.


Adaptation is a common practice in film production and a part of the transmedia dissemination of stories in franchises. This thesis investigates the use of comics, videogames, and theme…

Audience as medium

The relationship between artists, artworks and audiences has been changing rapidly at the latest since Marcel Duchamp’s Large Glass (1923). Theorists and artists alike, Roy Ascot and Frank Popper among them have…

De theatraliteit van hypermedialiteit

The object aspect of film, the performance aspect of theatre are merely means – means toe experience Susan Sontag Bij het ensceneren van video naast anderen theatermiddelen ontstaat…

Panoptic Visions

This paper investigated how in MINORITY REPORT cinematic analogies are articulated. Three reports used separate perspectives from all phases of film theory to unravel the arguments and moments…

A Genealogy of Attraction

Where is the attraction? Along with leisure time comes the desire for amusement. Around 1900 the latest attraction is cinema. As with any medium it starts out by…

Ik hou van holland maar waarom?

In de hier onderzochte media-uitingen is te zien hoe er wordt vastgehouden aan traditionele denkbeelden van Nederland. Er wordt teruggegrepen op vormen van identificatie van voor een tijd…